Blog Universidad Tecnológica Metropolitana de Chile

Calendario Académico 2010

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Para vuestro conocimiento adjunto envío a ustedes, Resolución N° 01945 de
fecha 22.04.2010 referida al “CALENDARIO ACADÉMICO 2010″, para la jornada



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Res.N°1945 de 2010 Calend. Acad. 2010. D.

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Res.N°1945 de 2010 Calend. Acad. 2010. D.


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Marta Luna M.  SecretariaEscuela


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Becaria UTEM-MECESUP. Entrevista Diario La Tercera

Becaria Srta. Alejandra Mery Keitil - POR UN MEJOR FUTURO TECNOLÓGICO

El 28 de febrero de 2010, en el Diario La Tercera, se publicó una entrevista a la Becaria Srta. Alejandra Mery Keitil, quien cursa su Doctorado Phd en “Diseño, Arquitectura y Construcción”, en la “University of Technology, Sydney-Australia, en el contexto del aporte de las nuevas tecnologías en las interacciones sociales.

Edición Especial sobre Postgrados en La Tercera, Domingo 28 de febrero de 2010, página 11:



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La becaria Srta. Alejandra Mery Keitel en el marco del proyecto MECESUP UTM0201 “Desarrollo de la Carrera de Diseño Industrial: calidad e innovación Tecnológica como aporte al entorno productivo nacional” y de sus estudios de doctorado: “PhD en Diseño, Arquitectura y Construcción” en la Universidad Tecnológica de Sydney, Australia, en ha publicado en la revista “The International Journal of the Inclusive Museum” el artículo “The Role of Interactive Technologies in Designing Meaningful Exhibition Experiences: An Informing Design Probe”.

El Abstract de su publicación y su resumen personal son los siguientes (extractado de la publicación)

The “I See What You Mean” exhibition was presented at the DAB LAB Gallery of the Faculty of Design Architecture and Building, University of Technology Sydney, as the result of a collaboration between two researchers from (what appeared to be) completely different backgrounds: Project Management and Industrial Design. An interactive environment was presented to the Faculty members to explore and interpret separate lines of thought in order to envision new ways of professional and academic communication. In addition to the particular objectives of the collaborative exhibition, specific research objectives were outlined: the interactive exhibition was conceived as a design probe that could inform the author’s ongoing research in Human-Computer Interaction in public spaces (with emphasis on exhibition environments). This paper introduces the main theoretical and practical components that support the research and reports on the main findings of the design probe. The study is expected to provide impetus for further development of a study framework on the role of interactive technologies in the design of museum visitors’ experiences.

Keywords: Interactive Technologies, Interactive Exhibitions, Public Spaces, Visitor Experience, Museum Objects, Object Interpretation and Meaning

Alejandra Mery Keitel

PhD Research Student, Faculty of Design, Architecture and Building, University of Technology, Sydney, NSW, Australia

I’m a Chilean Industrial Designer and university lecturer. The Chilean Government’s Ministry of Education, has granted me a scholarship to undertake PhD studies researching Human Computer Interaction in public spaces. With emphasis in exhibition environments, my research explores the use of digital technologies in public space as opposed to private space, in order to understand the relationship between diverse factors present in this context. Theory and practice come together in my research traversing areas as diverse as social psychology, museology, interaction design and body consciousness. I’ve spent the past three years studying the field of exhibition environment design in Chile, participating in and coordinating several academic and research projects that have addressed the subject from different angles and for different specific applications. This experience helped me find a gap in the Chilean context between the intended purpose of exhibits and spaces and the actual experiences of their visitors, where there is an apparent underestimation and misuse of the technological resources available. Through my research, I intend to reach a holistic understanding of how technologies can effectively lead visitors into a more participatory and meaningful experience in exhibition environments

Mayores antecedentes: International Journal of the Inclusive MuseumVolume 2Issue 4, pp.91-110,

Universidad Tecnológica de Sydney (UTS):



REUNA: Charla de Programa de Propiedad Industrial

Universidades socias invitadas a conectarse:

Primera Charla del Programa de Propiedad Industrial parte el 26 de abril

REUNA, INAPI y CONICYT tienen el agrado de invitar a todas sus instituciones socias a seguir desde sus respectivas salas de videoconferencia el ciclo de charlas del Programa “Fortalecimiento de capacidades en materias de Propiedad Industrial”.

La primera charla de este ciclo denominada “Aspectos Jurídicos de la Propiedad Industrial: Patentes” tendrá lugar el lunes 26 de abril, a las 15:00 horas, en la Universidad de Los Lagos, sede Puerto Montt.

Los interesados pueden participar en los talleres directamente asistiendo a las salas de transmisión, incorporando una sala de videoconferencia en su institución o siguiendo el taller mediante la transmisión vía streaming (en vivo y en directo por Internet) a través del sitio web de REUNA.

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